Other People about HUNZA


I have left Hunza for now, and must travel to new destinations.
 Even as I attempt to revert back to the community, the power of the
 Compelled repels me. I made many a friends in the valley—I almost know
 all the valley—from host to farmer to thug and thief. The people gave
 been kind and auspicious and loving, even if in the throes of a great
 evolving pressure, the squeeze of which could be felt upon one's very
 being in the valley. A time of darkness is a good time; certainly the
 people going through a rebirth. In addition, I met many students, children
 and youth. Many of them are in dire need of love, attention, care, nurturing. I feel love and pity but I realize that in the end, the community is resilient, and Allah is the Care-Taker and Sustainer and Healer of all beings.May those who are in need, be supported. May those who are growing, flourish. May those who are reaching out, connect and find roots. As is usualin my fate, I won't be standing around to see the miracle, I will be in another place. My God doesn't let me say goodbyes. Speaking of which, I had many splendid,
 spontaneous conversations about God and love and life and light with many people. We were surprised by what we learn and discovered. May that change something for the better in and out. There were also terrors and fears and pain. With a little help from friends, thanks be to the Friend, they were dealt with. I will remember this sight from my journey back down: I was traveling on a mind-dizzying road in a Prado, asleep most of the way. At some point in the evening, I opened my eyes and saw a village nestled down by the river, in the folds of a mountain. Momentarily, I had a vision: I saw a two-thousand year old Hindu community, with lamp-lit streets, enfolded in the dark folds of the unknown and unknowing. I felt as though I was watching an ancient civilization from another time: I in their future, they in some distant past—working, walking, praying, waiting for light. I could see, as an outsider looking in from the future, their wait and their unknowing. I was worried for a moment for some strange reason that I cannot name. Deja vu, perhaps? Then the vision lifted, and the light of knowing and connection flooded the streets. A destiny was fulfilled And that, really, is it. Peace and salaam on my Hunza students, friends, foes, hosts, and families! Aameen.

By : Ramla Akhtar

Conversation · Creative therapy · Creative Writing · Dream analysis · Public speaking

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